Le 16/11/2021 à 20:55, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :

Another option is to treat the piece as a cadenza.  Just know that you will need to manually insert \bar "" in places to permit line breaks.

Or use barAlways and defaultBarType:

\version "2.22"

\layout {
  \set Timing.barAlways = ##t
  \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""

\relative {
  \repeat unfold 20 { c'4 d e f g }
  \repeat volta 2 { c d e }
  \repeat unfold 20 { c4 d e f g }
  \bar "|."

Correct, and on the long term it should definitely
be the preferred solution; for now it will scale if
the input does not have polyphony that triggers
the bug
(or if one is ready to ignore programming errors).


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