This compiled fine for me on lilypond 2.23.3, except for the warning about the 
empty ChordNames.

On lilypond 2.20 I got an error message similar to yours (without the filename 
weirdness), but it compiled fine if I commented out the ChordNames line or 
typed something into its music expression. I suppose you’ll eventually do 
either, as it looks out of place where it is now.


> 17 nov. 2021 kl. 13:37 skrev Robert Schmaus <>:
> Dear Ponderers,
> I was just about to quickly write down a sheet of music, nothing fancy at 
> all, when all of a sudden I got an exception. This is the full ly code (and I 
> can’t make it any shorter for the reasons explained below):
> \version "2.20.0"
> \header {
>   title = "Sinfonia No. 2 C-Dur"
>   composer = "Joseph Haydn"
>   instrument = "Kontrabass"
> }
> \new ChordNames{}
>   \new Voice {
>     \tempo "Allegro" 2 = 80
>     \clef "bass_8"
>     \key c \major
>     \relative c {
>       | c2 c,4 r
>       | e4 r g r
>       | c2 r2
>       | r2 g2
>       | c2 c,4 r
>       | e4 r g r
>       | c4 c c c
>       | c c c c
>       \bar "."
>       | c c c c
>       | g g g g
>       | c, c' c c
>       | c c c c
>       | c c c c
>       | g g g g
>       | c, c e e
>       | f e d g
>       \bar "."
>       | c, c' g e
>       | c c' g e
>       | c2 r2
>       \mark \default
>       | r2 b'\upbow
>     }
>     \break
>     \relative c {
>       | a2 d2
>       | g, c
>       | f, fis
>       | g2 r2
>     }
>   }
> \layout{
>   indent = 0
>   \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
> }
> This compiled fine until I got to the last four bars in the file (inside the 
> \relative block). Then this was the lilypond message:
> Starting lilypond 2.20.0 [Haydn 2]...
> Processing `/Users/myname/Bass/Haydn 2'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music...
> warning: no music found in score
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Interpreting music...[8][16][24]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...Assertion failed: (my_index == 0), function 
> line_divisions_rec, file 
> /Users/marnen/lilypond-mac-builder/source/lilypond/lily/, 
> line 1040.
> Exited with return code 6.
> This message disappears if I remove the last \relative block. But it also 
> disappears if I remove the \header block (and leave in all the music). 
> The file also compiles fine if I remove the *first* \relative block. So, 
> there appears to be nothing wrong with all individual parts of the file, just 
> all together they refuse to cooperate.
> What also mystifies me is that path in the penultimate line of the Exception 
> message: “/Users/marnen/lilypond-mac-builder/“ … that’s certainly not on my 
> computer.
> Should I just keep on writing and hoping that the page layout will be ok 
> again in the end? Or does anyone see what’s the problem here?
> I’m using Lily 2.20 on a Mac OS 11.6 and I use Frescobaldi 3.1.3 as editor.
> Thanks very much!
> Robert

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