Does anyone know how to add a box around a measure counter? I have included two 
images below, one is the image that is generated using the below lilypond code 
and the other on is what I’m trying to achieve.


\version "2.22.0" \include "english.ly" \header {tagline = "" }
\score {\new Staff {
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
  \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"Acoustic Grand Piano"
  \key c \major \numericTimeSignature
  \time 4/4
  \clef treble
  \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(3 . 4.8)
  \override TextScript.font-size = #7 -\markup {\with-color "#6A00F4" "?" }
  \override Staff.MeasureCounter.staff-padding = #2
  \hideNotes b'2 c''
  \unHideNotes d'' d''4 g'
  \bar "||"}
        \layout {
              \context {
                     \consists Measure_counter_engraver
        \midi { \tempo 4 =92}

Example of Measure Counter with box


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