> On 22 Nov 2021, at 23:31, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
> Hello Paolo,
> This behaviour actually comes from font-config and not from Lilypond. It is 
> somewhat sensible, since we want to be able to specify a font intuitively and 
> not by some set identifier.
Somewhat sensible… but someone should teach Fontconfig some manners…

aikebah@Rajah Trial % fc-match "Clearface Gothic LT Std" 
ClearfaceGothicLTStd-Roman.otf: "Clearface Gothic LT Std" "55 Roman"
aikebah@Rajah Trial % fc-match "Clearface Gothic LT"    
Verdana.ttf: "Verdana" "Regular"

I would consider "Clearface Gothic LT Std” a MUCH better match than Verdana, 
but fontconfig disagrees

So I can also perfectly see the sense in Paolo’s quest for checking if the 
selected font appears to be what he attempted to configure.

> One hacky way to get what you want if you are checking for very specific 
> fonts 
> could be this, which would be checking the font file for some string we’d 
> expect to find in it.
> Cheers,
> Valentin<fonts.ly>

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