hi arjan,

thanks for the response.
i still must be doing something wrong, or not understanding something.

i created an .emacs file and added-to-list 'load-path the directories /sw/etc/emacs21/site-start.d (where i have lilypond-init.el) and /sw/share/emacs21/site-lisp (where i have lilypond-mode.el, -indent.el, -font-lock.el etc.). having quit and restarted the program, i used C-h v load-path and saw that both directories were now indeed listed the load-paths.

but M-x gave me no option for loading any lilypond-mode.
is that not how you load it?
could it be a version discrepancy? (installed emacs 21.3.50 via fink today).

i am (pretty much) brand new (again) to emacs and went through the whole tutorial with C-h t today. even if the point-and-click doesn't work out, i would be interested in learning it a bit more, since i would consider using it for latex documents and eventually for CLM at some point again (which is where i used it bumbingly a couple of months 5 years ago for the first time).

thanks again for any tips.


Sean Reed
Hamburg, Germany
Web: www.seanreed.de

On 07.05.2005, at 21:21, Arjan Bos wrote:

To create a .emacs file, simply start editing one. For example by:
 C-x C-f ~/.emacs

If you do:
C-h v load-path
it will show you the path emacs searches when it looks for files. There are bound to be a whole lot of directories in them. Just put your files in one of them. Alternatively, if you want to add a directory to the load-path, add the following to your .emacs file:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp" t)
Where /sw/share/emacs/site-lisp is the name of the directory you want to add to the load-path.

By the way, if you are new to emacs, it wouldn't do no harm to read the tutorial which you can access via the 'help' menu, or via C-h t (That is control-h t)

I never could get point-and-click to work on Mac OS X 10.3.n, not even when using X11 and xdvi and emacs via X11, so if it works for you I'd be delighted to know.

Hope this helps,

Arjan Bos

On 7 mei 2005, at 18:26, Sean Reed wrote:

might anyone have any hints on how to get the emacs lilypond-mode to work on macos 10.3.9?

i have been using jEdit very happily up to now, but the point-and-click function doesn't seem to be compatible with the two versions i have (2.5.23 and 2.5.0). it returns a bean shell error when i try to "enable point-and-click" and selecting "view output dvi" gives me an empty jDvi viewer.

the documentation for the new pdf hyperlink point-and-click addresses emacs and vim, so i thought i'd try emacs.

the installation documentation for lilypond-mode in emacs doesn't refer specifically to macos 10.x and i can't figure out where to put the .el files. i can find no .emacs file, and no matter which combination of where i place the lilypond-init.el and other .el files into the various /site-start and /site-lips folders i've found, when i start emacs and perform an M-x, i am offered no option for lilypond-mode. (i assume this is the correct procedure, since i can successfully select latex-mode this way and it functions fine).

i have made long attempts with the fink installation of emacs, XEmacs, enhanced carbon emacs, and emacs for aqua, but just ain't gettin' it.

i have installed firefox and Xpdf, as the documentation instructs, and modified the xpdfrc and prefs.js files. all three of my PDF viewers successfully identify the hyperlinks (Xpdf, Preview, and Acrobat Reader), but clicking on them does nothing.

thanks in advance for any clues.


Sean Reed
Hamburg, Germany
Web: www.seanreed.de

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