Hello Paolo,

Yes, I’m using that when I add uncounted pages to the front (using negative 
page numbers).

If you look into the definition of the paper variables oddHeaderMarkup and 
evenHeaderMarkup (as definined in titling-init).

There is a line 
\if \should-print-page-number \fromproperty #page:page-number-string

(or something different in earlier versions).

You can then easily define your own functions, like
#(define (print-positive-page-number layout props arg)
 (if (> (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1) 1)
    (create-page-number-stencil layout props arg)


Am Freitag, 3. Dezember 2021, 01:55:56 CET schrieb Paolo Prete:
> Hello,
> I re-post this because I noted later that the answer I obtained does not
> fit what I asked.
> I wonder if is there a way to start printing page numbers of a score from a
> given page.
> For example: if I want to start printing page numbers from page 3, page
> numbers 1 and 2, on first and second page, have to be omitted.
> (note that this is not the property:  first-page-number = 3; it is instead
> somewhat similar to print-first-page-number = ##f, but extended to multiple
> pages)
> Thanks!
> P

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