Hello list, sorry for the long example, but I could not shorten more. In bar 9 and 10 of the attached example the rests in voice "Bass" are shifted, but the dots remain at the default position. If I delete or shorten voice "Middle" the problem disappears.
This is a short extract of my code: \version "2.4.3" % cygwin \header {title ="Rest dot not shifted"} Global = { \time 6/8 \clef "G_8" \key d \major \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t } Upper = \relative c' \context Voice = "Upper" { \Global \voiceOne s2.*4 s2.*4 a8( g) a a^\markup {\italic gliss.} \glissando b a~ | a g( fis) e d cis | <b' g d g,>4 <d a e fis,> <g d b fis e,> | <e d b g>2. | a,,8 d e g fis b | a g fis g fis e | <d' b g e,>4 <cis a e fis,> <b g d g,> | <a e>2. | a4 a8 a a4 | } Bass = \relative c \context Voice = "Bass" { \voiceTwo s2.*4 a4. r | a4. r | s2. a4 a8 a4 a8 | <a e'>4. r | a4. r4. | s2. a4 a8 a4 a8 | a4. r | a r | s2. | a4 a8 a4 a8 | % When I delete this line the output is correct! } Middle = \relative c' \context Voice = "Middle" { \voiceThree \stemDown \shiftOff e4. s | s2.*3 s2.*48 } \score { << \Upper \\ \Bass \\ \Middle >> \layout {} } \paper {}
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