On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 3:47 AM Kieren MacMillan <
kie...@kierenmacmillan.info> wrote:

> Hi Paolo,
> Maybe this gives you a starting point?
> %%%
> \version "2.23.4"
> ignoreH =
>    \propertyTweak horizontal-skylines ##f
>    \propertyTweak extra-spacing-width #empty-interval
>    \etc
> ignoreV =
>    \propertyTweak vertical-skylines ##f
>    \propertyTweak extra-spacing-height #empty-interval
>    \etc
> ignore = \ignoreH \ignoreV \etc
> {
> \time 6/4
> \override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
> \override TupletBracket.outside-staff-priority = #1000
> \tuplet 3/2 { a''-\ignore ( a'' ais''-.) }
> s
> \tuplet 3/2 { a'' a'' ais'' }
> s
> }
> %%%
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.

That's GREAT! Thanks!
It not only solves the alignment issue; it also keeps the
outside-staff-priority for objects that must be put inside the slur.
At this point, I wonder why the method that forces outside-staff-priority
set to ##f is suggested in multiple pages of the documentation:

(Positioning text markups inside slurs)

(Creating a delayed turn)

(Outside-staff objects)

The last pages even says that: "The avoid-slur property of the articulation
can be set to 'inside to bring the articulation inside the slur, but the
avoid-slur property is effective only if the outside-staff-priority is also
set to #f", but this is not true, as the snippet shows, if adapted to your

ignoreH =
   \propertyTweak horizontal-skylines ##f
   \propertyTweak extra-spacing-width #empty-interval

ignoreV =
   \propertyTweak vertical-skylines ##f
   \propertyTweak extra-spacing-height #empty-interval

ignore = \ignoreH \ignoreV \etc

\relative c'' {
  c4( c^\markup { \tiny \sharp } d4.) c8 |
  c4-\ignore (
    \once \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
    %\once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
    c4^\markup { \tiny \sharp } d4.) c8 |
    \once \override Slur.outside-staff-priority = #500
    c4( c^\markup { \tiny \sharp } d4.) c8 |

In addition: I don't understand too why it suggests:  "the
outside-staff-priority of the slur can be set to a numerical value to cause
it to be placed along with other outside-staff objects according to that
value". This doesn't seem a good idea to me, given that a Slur is not
supposed to be an outside-staff object...


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