Le 15/12/2021 à 19:08, Molly Preston a écrit :
Hi again!
Does anyone have issues with \allowPageTurn? I put in two page turns
in my score, but it doesn't seem to be making them. What circumstances
might create this problem?
Hard to tell without code. It may be not having
a bar line (you need \bar "" to allow a break if
there is no bar line), or a beam, or some other
unbreakable spanner.
If you can't find it, it's better to show some
Second question is:
How do you move up a \tempo marking"
\override TextScript.Y-offset = #2
\tempo \markup { \concat {"Hushed" \hspace
#0.75 \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {4} #UP
" = "
\hspace #0.5
The TextScript.Y-offset doesn't seem to do anything.
It's not a TextScript but a MetronomeMark. For example:
\version "2.22.1"
\override Score.MetronomeMark.Y-offset = 5
\tempo A