On Sat 01 Jan 2022 at 22:27:31 (+0100), Valentin Petzel wrote:
> May I just fan the fire by saying that on kde this works out of the box?
> That being said, the only really usable pnc implementation is Frescobaldi, as 
> that one will keep track while you’re editing the file and thus always point 
> to 
> the right thing.

Interesting. How precise is the forward indication (ie in the score
display), and how does it point to it. Do you know what mechanism
it's using to keep track?

The way reverse indications work is relatively straightforward (except
for how LP inserts the textedits), but I've never slogged through the
paper that describes SyncTeX, nor installed Okular, which is one
viewer that's supposed to be able to perform forward indications,
but comprises 134 extra packages in Debian.

> And I don’t see much of a problem with disabling pnc by default, but it would 
> not change much as most people would probably activate it somewhere and still 
> forget to deactivate it for sharing.

Of course, many other document formats can also leak information
unless you work around the problem, by sanitising the documents,
naming their source locations carefully, logging in anonymously,
or whatever's most straightforward.


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