A nice thing I’ve discovered in reviving my old (2.18) project is that articulate.ly now expands repeats without `\unfoldRepeats`. A less-nice thing is that this behavior behaves oddly around `\alternative`:

    \version "2.23.5"
    \include "articulate.ly"

    music = \relative c' {
      \repeat volta 2 {
        \alternative {
          { g } { gis }

    \score { \music }
    \score { \unfoldRepeats \music }
    \score { \articulate \music }
    \score { \articulate \unfoldRepeats \music }

Both alternatives print each time with `\articulate`, though naked `\unfoldRepeats` works on its own.

(And `\articulate \unfoldRepeats` behaves the same as `\articulate`, which suggests my mental model of these as music functions is missing something.)

—Joel C. Salomon

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