Am 06.01.2022 um 18:09 schrieb Kenneth Wolcott:
Thank you for your elaboration on the dynamics; much appreciated.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 6:11 AM Kieren MacMillan
<> wrote:
Hi all,

As composer, pianist, and conductor, I can offer that the consensus among most of the 
musicians I know is that sfz is [in modern practice] considered different from sf, 
especially with respect to the envelope of the note: in "equation" terms, one 
might write sfz = sf + >. An analogous difference distinguishes fz as different from both 
sf and sfz.

In performance of more "historical" music (say, Beethoven and before), these 
distinctions are not as widely or faithfully observed.
For an excellent overview regarding dynamic specifications (and many
other topics that are connected to performance indications) in the 19th
century, see
Clive Brown: Classical and Romantic Performing Practice 1750-1900 .
This book is marvellous!


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
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