Hi Jean,
Thank you so much! Another problem was that I was trying commands to move 
“Hairpin" rather than “Dynamic Line Spanner.” All set, thanks again!

> On Jan 9, 2022, at 3:56 AM, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> Le 09/01/2022 à 03:03, Rachel Green a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> How would I allow the hairpin to cross the staff? I would like the hairpin 
>> to be parallel with the notes as in the picture. I figured out how to rotate 
>> it, but LilyPond does not allow the hairpin to intersect with the staff.
>> I tried \override Hairpin.padding = #0, but that wasn’t right.
>> An example snippet is below.
> The problem here is that the rotation property just rotates
> the object without further adjustments. The hairpin could cross
> the staff if it was long enough, but because its length is
> computed as if it were horizontal, it misses some length.
> You can correct this using a negative value for shorten-pair
> (shortening by a negative amount means lengthening). In the
> snippet below, I've also adjusted the beam to make
> room for the hairpin, and moved the hairpin vertically.
> \version "2.20.0"
> \language "english"
> VarOneTreble = \relative c'
> {
>   s2.
> }
> VarOneBass = \relative c
> {
>   \clef bass
>   \time 3/4
>   \once \override DynamicLineSpanner.Y-offset = -8
>   \once \override Hairpin.shorten-pair = #'(0 . -2.5)
>   \once \override Hairpin.rotation = #'(23 -1 1)
>   \tuplet 6/4 4 { g,16-\< d' g b d g }
>   \change Staff = "treble"
>   \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-8 . 0)
>   b32 d g b d g b d g8\! r
> }
> \score {
>   \new GrandStaff
>   <<
>     \new Staff = "treble" { \VarOneTreble }
>     \new Staff = "bass" { \VarOneBass }
>   >>
> }
> There is a snippet here demonstrating shorten-pair:
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/expressive-marks-attached-to-notes#dynamics
> Best,
> Jean

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