Am 10.01.22 um 15:57 schrieb David Kastrup:
The problem with
the stand is that it's sort of like a real stand: you need to do posters
and possibly other representation in advance in order to attract
visitors to engage (get close enough in the virtual walk to enter the
Jitsi video conference), you really need to have 3 or 4 minimum serving
the stand because a good part of the time personnel will be on standby
and/or just talking with one another and for 2 days you want to have
people available for passersby

While I felt intrigued, I didn’t offer my participation for that reasons – no capacity to provide any meaningful material and not enough time on that weekend to waste on standby. Additionally, DANTE (German TUG) is also looking for help to staff their “booth”, and that’s why I didn’t forward the suggestion to their mailing list.



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