Hi all,

I'm trying to engrave rap phrases on a strict grid (cf. 

Is this possible in Lilypond? (I can't believe I'm actually asking that 
question… but I've read everything I could find in the docs and lists, and 
can't find the full/correct incantation to make it happen!)

For testing purposes, I've included (below) my recent attempt to rewrite my 
composer bio. If you compile it, you'll see that the notes aren't perfectly 
aligned vertically.

Thanks for any help!

\version "2.21"

bio_rhythm = {
      r8 c8-> 16-> 16 16 16 16-> 16 16 16-> 16 16-> 16 16->
      r16 c16 16-> 16 16-> 16 16 16 16-> 16 16 16 8-> 16 16->
      r8 \tuplet 3/2 { c16-> 16 16 } c16-> 16 16 16 \tuplet 3/2 { 8-> 8 8 } 
c8-> r
      c16-> 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16-> 16 16 16-> ~ 16 16 8
      r16 c16 16-> 16 16-> 16 16 16-> ~ 16 16 16 16-> ~ \tuplet 3/2 { 8 8 r }
      c16-> 16 16 16-> ~ 16 16 16 16 c16-> 16 16 16 8-> 8
      r8 c16-> 16 16-> 16 16 16 16-> 16 16 16-> 16 16 8->
      r16 c16-> 16 16 16-> 16 16 16 16 16 8-> 8-- 8-> 8--
bio_rap = \lyricmode {
    True stor -- y: I be -- came a com -- pos -- er on a bet.
    I got a Mas -- ter’s in a skill I have -- n’t mas -- tered yet.
    Doub -- le -- "o" -- sev -- en with a li -- cense to score: __
    I’ll com -- pose what -- ev -- er an -- y -- bod -- y -- ’ll pay __ me for.
    My com -- po -- si -- tions are tunes for the a -- ges;
    Print what I wrote and it -- ’ll run a thou -- sand pa -- ges.
    Got a web -- site, if you wan -- na look un -- der the hood…
    Don’t wan -- na brag, but I can make a phone book sound good.

\paper {
  system-count = 8
  line-width = 5\in
  indent = 0

\layout {
  \context {
    \remove Bar_number_engraver
    \override Script.padding = #0.375
    proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
    \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
  \context {
    \remove Time_signature_engraver

\score {
    \new RhythmicStaff \bio_rhythm
    \addlyrics \bio_rap

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