Yes. The actual code on which the example is based is at

Hopefully this clarifies why I’m handling score headers in Scheme 
(specifically, some header variables are set conditionally).

> On Feb 2, 2022, at 2:14 AM, Lukas-Fabian Moser <> wrote:
> Hi Nate,
> Am 01.02.22 um 22:11 schrieb Nate Whetsell:
>> I’m trying to add PDF bookmarks (to display in PDF readers) to a collection 
>> of studies. I’m having three issues:
>> 1. If several studies appear on the same page, the bookmarks appear in 
>> reverse order.
>> 2. The bookmarks seem to navigate to the *page* on which a study appears, 
>> not the study itself.
>> 3. It doesn’t seem to be possible to add PDF bookmarks without also using 
>> `\markuplist \table-of-contents` to add a table of content.
>> Below is an example illustrating the issues I’m having. Is there a way to 
>> create PDF bookmarks without using `\markuplist \table-of-contents`, have 
>> them appear in the expected order, and have them navigate to the expected 
>> position?
> Forgive me for barging in without having something to contribute to your 
> actual question:
>> ```
>> \version "2.22.0"
>> \book {
>>   \markuplist \table-of-contents
>>   #(do ((study-number 1 (1+ study-number)))
>>       ((> study-number 15))
>>     (let ((header (make-module)))
>>       (module-define! header 'piece (number->string study-number))
>>       (let* (
>>           (score (scorify-music #{
>>             \new Staff <<
>>               \tocItem \markup { #(number->string study-number) }
>>               \new Voice { c' }
>>             >>
>>           #})))
>>         (begin
>>           (ly:score-set-header! score header)
>>           (add-score score)))))
>> }
>> ```
> Are you aware that you can do almost all of this using LilyPond syntax?
> \version "2.22.0"
> \book {
>   \markuplist \table-of-contents
>   #(do ((study-number 1 (1+ study-number)))
>       ((> study-number 15))
>       (add-score
>        #{
>          \score {
>            \header {
>              piece = #(number->string study-number)
>            }
>           \new Staff <<
>             \tocItem \markup { #(number->string study-number) }
>             \new Voice { c' }
>           >>
>          }
>        #}))
> }
> Lukas

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