Am Mittwoch, dem 09.02.2022 um 12:50 +0330 schrieb Omid Mo'menzadeh:
> It works with Guile 2.2, but with a lot of the mentioned warnings.
> The .nix files I attached describe a recipe for building LilyPond,
> and two packages are built in the shell.nix file, so yes, I am
> building both, using the same recipe, but one with Guile 1.8, and one
> with Guile 2.2. Both are using the same FontConfig for sure.

Thanks for clarifying.

> The binaries under Nix are not really self-contained, so it would be
> a challenge to create a binary. But I will try to isolate the issue.

No, that's a misunderstanding. I'm asking if you could try the binaries
that we provide, available for download from on
your system to see if that works.

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