Hello Jesse,

On the Mac, to place fonts in the typical location (~/Library/Fonts), you
need to modify the /opt/local/etc/fonts/local.conf file.
I am using MacPorts, which puts /etc in /opt/local; HomeBrew may place it

The modification is as follows:

In the <fontconfig> section, add


My local.conf file

tejoseph fonts % more local.conf
  <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>



Many thanks,

On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 9:07 AM Mike Andrews <udsd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Segmentation fault indicates something seriously wrong in what Lilypond is
> seeing or doing. I don’t have any more to say than that, but it comes from
> 55+ years of fighting computers and software for a living.
> __
> Mike Andrews
> udsd...@gmail.com
> Amateur Radio Station W5EGO
> ------------------------------
> *From:* lilypond-user <lilypond-user-bounces+udsd007=gmail....@gnu.org>
> on behalf of Jesse Wiener <jesse.wie...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 9, 2022 9:31:35 AM
> *To:* lilypond-user@gnu.org <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Installing Alternate Music Fonts with Frescobaldi and
> Homebrew Installation on M1 Mac
> Hi Valentin,
> After much trial and error with other things, I really thought I had it
> figured out when I did it that way. I dragged all the individual otf files
> into the otf folder so it resembled what was already there -- no
> subdirectories or anything.
> I tried compiling both using LilyPond directly and using Frescobaldi to no
> avail. And there are no useful details in the error message. I just get
> "Exited with return code 11" in Frescobaldi and "fatal error: failed
> filed:" and then the file name with no additional detail.
> I appreciate your time. Thank you!
> Best,
> Jesse
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 9:27 AM Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
> Hello Jesse,
> might it be that you are installing the fonts wrongly? The font files
> should directly go into the otf folder, with no subdirectories or whatever.
> Valentin
> 09.02.2022 15:21:37 Jesse Wiener <jesse.wie...@gmail.com>:
> Valentin -- That's exactly the path I've been trying to no avail. I
> tracked down that folder but the fonts just aren't being recognized as
> having been installed.
> Jean -- I always have a bit of anxiety that I'm missing something obvious
> when I'm planning on writing to the mailing list and this would appear to
> be such a situation :). I'll look over that thread (which I see now). Thank
> you!
> Best,
> Jesse
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 6:34 PM Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at>
> wrote:
> Hello Jesse,
> I cannot say anything for sure (lacking a mac to try this on), but
> theoretically you just need to find the folder homebrew installs the
> packages
> to (according to the internet /usr/local/Cellar), find the folder for
> lilypond
> and and put the fonts into share/lilypond/current/fonts/
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2022, 00:03:34 CET schrieb Jesse Wiener:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Apologies if this has been covered. I couldn't find anything about it in
> > the archives.
> >
> > I have an M1 mac running Monterey. I use Frescobaldi and my LilyPond
> > install was done with Homebrew. It all works wonderfully well.
> >
> > My question is:
> >
> > Is there some way to install alternate music fonts with this setup?
> > Obviously there's no .app package to put the fonts into, which makes me
> > think that until we have an official LilyPond.app for recent macOS
> > releases, there might be no way around this.
> >
> > But I wanted to put it to the group. Has anyone found a workaround?
> >
> > I did try placing font files into the 'share' folder that Homebrew
> creates
> > but that didn't seem to work. Frescobaldi threw errors.
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Best,
> > Jesse Wiener
> --
> Jesse Wiener
> --
> Jesse Wiener

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