Le 11/02/2022 à 22:31, Stefan E. Mueller a écrit :
Thanks Jean,

but it looks like I am a little behind with my Debian package-based
Lilypond 2.18.2 installation. So I get some complaints about "Unbound
variable: grob::rhythmic-location" and Lilypond exits in error with return
code 1.

I still need to grok all this scheme/guile mechanics, because so far I did
not dive into the deeper layers of Lilypond yet. Eventually I can get it
to work also with 2.18.2, or manage to update to the latest version.

Again thanks for the help, this is very appreciated.

What version of Debian? In Bullseye, the version packaged is 2.22.
If you want to keep an older version of your distribution, you could
install 2.22 via the official generic packages from
http://lilypond.org/unix.html. These are pretty easy to use, just
unpack them and run the script
('sh lilypond-blabla.sh --prefix=/I/want/it/here' and I can't
remember if you need sudo; use --help for a list of options).


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