Le 18/03/2022 à 22:57, Matthew Fong a écrit :
Hello Valentin,

Awesome. I've been wanting to learn more Scheme! I just need to figure out OR statements to get a final bar!

\version "2.22.2"

\layout {
   \context {
     \consists Span_bar_engraver
     \override BarLine.allow-span-bar =
     #(lambda (grob)
        (let ((glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph)))
          (or (equal? glyph "||")
              (equal? glyph "|."))))

\new ChoirStaff <<
   \new Staff { 1 1 \bar "||" 1 \bar "|." }
   \new Staff { 1 1 1 }

Have a look at



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