Hi Jean,

>> but for me, it's the highest-impact sales tool when I'm Lily-vangelizing. :)
> I'm curious, could you say more?

When I show someone that you can install "vanilla" Lilypond, just type 
something like

\version "2.23.4"

randomNotes = {
  $@(let ((notes (ly:music-property #{ <e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'
d'> #} 'elements)))
      (map (lambda (x) (list-ref notes (random (length notes)))) (iota 400)))

\new Voice { \randomNotes }

and [every time you compile you] get random notes for interval practice, it 
blows their mind.


\language "english"
\include "init_schenker.ly <http://init_schenker.ly/>"

global = {
  \key g \major
  \bar "|."

urlinie = \relative c'' {
  \lesser b8*2

\score {
  \new SchenkerGrandStaff <<
    \new SchenkerStaff <<
      \clef treble
      \new UrlinieVoice { \voiceOne \urlinie }

and getting the output

also seems very impressive at first… but the moment they see they can't do it 
with "vanilla" Lilypond (i.e., they need my included LilySchenker 
file/framework), they’re immediately less impressed.

I don't know how many other people have tried to convert composers/engravers to 
Lilypond, but every bit of sugar makes the whole platform seem more 
approachable. As a wise man once said: “Every sufficiently advanced technology 
is indistinguishable from magic.” :)

Hope that makes it clearer?

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