
Brahms' Waldesnacht has an intro stanza number one, and after that a twice repeated melody, with stanza's 2 and three.

I tried to do that by making a new voice on the  repeat, and associating the second and third stanza's with that voice.

But stanza's 2 and three appear at the first melody part, so this construct does not work

How can I achieves those stanza's to begin at the repeat?

with kind regards, and thanks in advance, Jogchum
\version "2.23.3"

\header {
  title = "Waldesnacht"
  subtitle = "(Aus dem Jungbrunnen von Paul Heyse)"
  composer = "Johannes Brahms"
  opus = "62 nr. 3"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")

global = {
  \key d \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Etwas langsam"

soprano = \relative c' {
fis4 \p ^\markup { \italic "dolce" } a e4. fis8
g4 fis e2
e4 a2 b4
cis d a4. g8
fis4. r8 a4 a
a4. g8 g4 g
g4. f8 f4 ^\markup { \italic "cresc" } e
 d4. d8 dis4 dis
e8 r
e'2 e4
e2. cis4
a2. f4
e4. r8 g4.\( \pp g8
g4. g8 fis4. b8
b2 e,4 \) r
a4. \( a8 d,4. g8\)
r2 fis4 \p a
e4. fis8 g4 b
fis4.fis8 b4 d
d4. \f a8 a4. g8
fis4 c'2 \f a4
e) d d2~
d cis d2 \fermata r
\repeat volta 2
      { \new Voice = "sopra_repeat"
        {  fis4  \p ^\markup { \italic "dolce" } a e4. fis8
        g4 fis e2
        e4 a2 b4
        cis d a4. g8
        fis4. r8 a4 a
        a4. g8 g4 \p g
        g4. f8 f4 ^\markup { \italic "cresc" } e
        d4. d8 dis4 dis
        e8 r e'2 e4
        e2. cis4
        a2. f4
        e4. r8 g4. \pp \( g8
        d4. g8 fis4. b8
        b2 e,4 \) r
        a4. \( a8 d,4. g8 \)
        r2 fis4 \p a
        e4. fis8 g4 b
        fis4. fis8
        b4 d
        d4. \f a8 a4. g8
        fis4 c'2 \f a4
        fis2.( e4~
        e) d d2~
        d cis
        d \fermata r

alto = \relative c' {


tenor = \relative c' {


bass = \relative c {


sopranoVerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
Wal -- des -- nacht, du wun -- der -- küh -- le,
die ich tan -- send Ma -- le grüß;
nach dem lau -- ten Walt -- ge -- wüh -- le,
o, wie is dein Rau -- schen süß,
o, wie is dein Rau -- schen süß!
Trau -- me -- risch die mü -- den Glie -- der
erg ich weich ins Moos,
und mir ist, als würd ich wie -- der
all der ir -- ren Qua -- len los,
all der ir -- ren Qua -- len los.

sopranoVerseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  \set associatedVoice = "sopra_repeat"
Fer -nes Flö -- ten -- lied,

sopranoVerseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
  \set associatedVoice = "sopra_repeat"
In den heim -- lich

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
  \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
      instrumentName = "Soprano"
      shortInstrumentName = "S."
    } { \soprano }
    \addlyrics { \sopranoVerseOne }
    \addlyrics { \sopranoVerseTwo }
    \addlyrics { \sopranoVerseThree }

  \layout { }


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