> You could also use append-map which will concatenate the lists without
> the inner call to make-sequential-music:
> %%%%
> {
>   $(make-sequential-music
>    (append-map
>     (lambda (x) (list
>      #{ $(ly:make-pitch 0 x) 4 #}
>      #{ \mark \markup \override #'(font-size . -3) 10 #} ))
>     (iota 4 1)))
> }
> %%%%
> In fact, using list-splicing, you can eliminate the outer call to
> make-sequential-music as well:
> %%%%
> {
>   $@(append-map
>    (lambda (x) (list
>     #{ $(ly:make-pitch 0 x) 4 #}
>     #{ \mark \markup \override #'(font-size . -3) 10 #} ))
>    (iota 4 1))
> }
> %%%%
> Thanks Aaron, that is indeed very neat.

> Also note the above use of #{ #} to escape music syntax within scheme,
> which can often be more abbreviated.

Yes, another thing I had forgotten about!


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