Am 26.04.22 um 12:09 schrieb Boris Lau:
Dear list,

I'm working on a songbook for german kids. Although I personally don't like them, I want to use German chord names (B and H exchanged). I could use \germanChords or \semiGermanChords to achieve that, but that also changes the behavior of slash chords:

B7 -> H7       <-- this is what I want
E/G# -> E/gis  <-- this is weird

Maybe some developer thought, that E/gis is how it's done in Germany.
I think it's rather uncommon and pretty ugly ;-)

But personal tastes aside, is there a way to get the B<->H thing without changing the slash chords?

Many thanks in advance,
Best, Boris

Hello Boris,

only a few weeks ago I asked the same (subject: "German chords with uppercase bass".

Thomas Morley answered:

\germanChords uses `chord-name->german-markup' to print the root-name
(chordRootNamer) of a chord and `note-name->german-markup' to print an
additional bass-note (chordNoteNamer).
If you comment the chordNoteNamer there, the chordRootNamer takes over.

germanChords = {
  \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t)
  %\set chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-markup

scm = \chordmode {
   c1/c | cis/cis
   b1/b | bis/bis | bes/bes

   \new ChordNames {
     \germanChords \scm
   \context Voice { \scm }

NB altered bass notes are now printed like the root, i.e. C♯ not Cis.
Already ok? If not holler.

Imho, german chords in LilyPond are not correct and were never: as an
example, C♯ is never a _german_ naming

Also see my comment:


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