Hi everybody

A few days ago Lukas-Fabian has pointed me to the existence of the /etc
shortcut. It seems to me that this would easy a lot of everday work
without any further Scheme skills (music-function-... ). Unfortunately
the /etc shortcut is not mentionned in the official docs. The only
information I could find is at

I tried to create an mve for myself but failed:

boxedMark = \mark \markup { \box \etc }


  c1 d \boxedMark "Part II" e f


My current (but appearently failing) mental model is that /etc is a kind
of function parameter - here called with value "Part II". (I know how
procedural and oo languages work.) boxedMark is my function, and with
the \etc parameter I am able to pass my value o the functions body.

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards


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