I have found the answer to my third question:
\markup \vspace #1

I will be grateful for the help with the rest!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Gdaliy Garmiza <gda...@gmail.com>
Date: вт, 3 мая 2022 г. в 01:47
Subject: Re: Layout issues in the jazz chord chart
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>

Sorry, here is the link to the files:

вт, 3 мая 2022 г. в 01:34, Gdaliy Garmiza <gda...@gmail.com>:

> Hello, everybody!
> I'm developing an app for my jazz educational project, which helps me to
> automate a lot of routine. It uses lilypond for rendering scores. I have
> recently added the export chord chart feature, and I attach an example of
> its output to this email in *.ly and in *.png. Though it doesn't look bad
> to me, I would like it to be a little closer to the similar output,
> generated by such software as iRealPro or Band-in-a-Box.
> Here are the questions:
> 1. Is it possible to add the bar lines at the beginning of each line?
> I have tried with no result:
> \layout {
> \context {
> \Score
> \override SystemStartBar #'collapse-height = #5
> }
> \context {
> \ChordNames
> \consists "System_start_delimiter_engraver"
> }}
> 2. Is it possible to make the measure widths equal or at least more
> aligned to each other so that they would look snapped to the vertical grid?
> The following code, which works in general, but the result is not perfect:
> \context {
> \Score
> proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
> \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
> \override SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
> \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16)
> }
> 3. To add some space below the header(s)/title(s), I use the transparent
> text of the needed size:
> \markup \fontsize #7 \fill-line \transparent {space}
> This works, but the code looks a bit like a hack. Is there a more
> straightforward way to do this :-)?
> Many thanks in advance!
> Best,
> G.

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