>> What is the Scheme equivalent to a top-level markup like
>> ```
>> \markup \italic "foo"
>> ```
>> ?  I can't find it in the documentation.
> I am not a fan of the markup macro, but of course
> (make-italic-markup "foo")
> will also work.


> It is not clear what you mean with "top-level" however.  Of course
> at the top level of a LilyPond document, markup gets interpreted by
> calling an appropriate hook.

Well, a LilyPond input file containing only

\markup \italic "foo"

prints something.  In the NR this usage of `\markup` is called a
'top-level expression'.  How do you call this?

On the other hand, a LilyPond input file containing only

#(make-italic-markup "foo")

prints nothing.  I now wonder how I can modify the latter to make it
actually work – what is the 'appropriate hook'?


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