Le 17/05/2022 à 23:38, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
There is also the more traditional method of looking at the
end of the relevant section in the Notation Reference,
namely in this case:
There is always a heading "See also", here it contains
(among others): "Internals Reference: Clef_engraver, Clef,
ClefModifier, clef-interface".

Oh, and actually, that section is pretty explicit:

Known issues and warnings

Ottavation numbers attached to clefs are treated as separate grobs.
So any \override done to the Clef will also need to be applied, as
a separate \override, to the ClefModifier grob.


To be clear, I absolutely don't want to blame anyone asking on the
lists: yes, there is a lot of material in the docs, and it's not
always easy to find your way. I am also the first person to ask
how to improve the docs. In this case, though, I think the documentation
is about as good as you can get ...


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