There's probably a misunderstanding here. The Bistream Charter
fonts have nothing to do with LilyPond. In Cygwin, they are
included in the package tetex-extra (both for teTeX versions
2 and 3 as far as I know). So, just rerun the installer and
make sure to install the package tetex-extra.


Rob Vlasaty wrote:
Here's an example of what I've been trying to do. I'm trying to change the font. I used Bitsream Charter in this example because it comes with Cygwin, and others should also have it. I know that it has a different font encoding and the characters will not show up correctly in the 2.4 versions. But when I run it through lilypond-book, the characters get changed again. (I could have sworn that when I used version 2.4.2 that it substuted the correct characters, but I can't remember for sure. I wanted to go back and try it again, so that's why I was downloading it again.) Anyway, if you look at my examples you'll see how the characters in the lyrics get changed. The file output is different from when I run it through lilypond-book using the testbook2.tex file. The regular paragraph in my tex file comes out correctly. Will the newer 2.5.x versions eventually fix my problem? Rob


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