The positioning is different for different articulations, according
to normal typesetting practice (that's the intention, at least).
For example, \accent, \staccato and \tenuto go into the stave, whereas
\turn and \portato stay outside the stave, just to mention a few.

The easiest way to break this convention and typeset an \accent outside
the stave is to use \markup, just as you tried. However, inside a
\markup{...}, you can only use the commands listed in
To access the accent symbol, you have to use the \musicglyph command:
c2. _\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts-sforzato"}

To avoid collisions between fingerings and slurs, change the padding
property for the fingering, see
for inspiration.


Kenward Vaughan wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm a 1 year cellist who decided to learn lilypond as the best way to
rewrite a piece I'm learning.  The original is too compact for my eyes
at my (ahem) age, and I found that lilypond's output managed the job

I tend to be a perfectionist, though, and wanted an accent in a
particular measure to be below the staff lines rather than within those
lines.  The notes involved are 2 tied middle C's between two measures,
with the accent on the first.  The specific line I wrote in my file is

c2.~_\accent c2.\bar "|."  % 79 and 80

This is bass clef, as expected, and the above notes stand a line above
the normal staff.  The accent mark insists on moving into the staff
lines, so I assume that its position is tied to the note, with no
regard for the staff's position?

I tried playing with the markup command, but lilypond does not accept
the \accent as is shown in the documentation.  In other words,

c2._\markup { \accent }
generates an error.  Any permutation of this fails as well. I am using
version 2.4.5 under Debian Sid.

I assume that some internal variable can be adjusted to affect this,
but I honestly have zoned out, in a sense, trying to answer this one. Can someone please explain to me what could be done to address this?

Would such an approach also give me another way to address the
following, where the normal fingering numbers plow into the slur line?

e4( f8) e8-1(
 fis^\markup { "" \raise #1.0 \translate #(cons -1 0) { \small \bold 2x } }
 gis)^\markup { "" \raise #1.0 \translate #(cons -1 0) { \small \bold 4x } }


f8(^\markup { "" \raise #0.6 \translate #(cons -0.7 0) { \small \bold 2 } }
  g^\markup { "" \raise #1.5 \translate #(cons -0.7 0) { \small \bold 4 } }
  a)^\markup { "" \raise #0.8 \translate #(cons -0.7 0) { \small \bold 0 } }
  a( g f)

(These may wrap because of my editor afterwards.  Sorry.)

(It's been an interesting weekend, learning this stuff!  :)

Many thanks!


        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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