Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

> David,
> thanks for your code – I consider it quite an elegant solution.
>> squashed =
>>   \once \propertyTweak stencil
>>     #(grob-transformer 'stencil
>>       (lambda (grob old)
>>               (ly:stencil-aligned-to old X RIGHT)))
>>   \etc
>> { <a' e''>1 \breathe | <g' d''> }
>> { <a' e''>1 \breathe \squashed Staff.Clef \clef alto | <a e'> }
> This code might serve as an example for `\propertyTweak`, which the NR
> is currently missing.
> Would you care to submit an MR, expanding the documentation
> accordingly?

Frankly, I have no idea what I am actually doing there with the
ly:stencil-aligned-to .  I was just fudging around until something fell
out that looked like what you wanted to be doing.  So "\squashed" is
actually a misnomer from the first attempt where I just thought I'd
shrink stuff (which did not work).

So while the technique for diddling with a stencil is programmed in a
straightforward manner, I have no clue about the underlying core action.

David Kastrup

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