Hi folks,  (other than Mats)

I discovered the following bit of code in the comments for the user
manual.  I tried updating it automatically, but it didn't work.  If you
deal with lyrics, and think this example is worth keeping, then
could you update it to work with recent LilyPond?  Ideally with
2.5, but 2.4 would be ok as well.

- Graham, LilyPond Documentation Editor

FIXME: check that this compiles and displays correctly.  I don't want
to commit this part blindly.

In tighly engraved music, hyphens can be removed.  In some languages
(e.g. German and Hungarian), hyphens should not disappear, since
spelling depends on hyphenation.  For that purpose, hyphens can be
forced to remain by overriding @code{minimum-length} of
the @code{LyricHyphen} grob.

(code from 2.2)
\score {
<<    \notes \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 1/4 c16[ c c  c]
\time 1/4
c16[ c c c]
\time 1/4
c16[ c c c]

    \lyrics \new Lyrics \with {
        % Otherwise lyrics are so far apart that hyphens don't disappear
        \override SeparationItem #'padding = #0.0
        }{ bla -- bla -- bla -- bla --
           bla -- bla -- bla -- bla --

           \override LyricHyphen  #'minimum-length = #0.7
           \override LyricHyphen  #'spacing-procedure =

           bla -- bla -- bla -- bla
    \paper   {
        indent = 0.0 \cm
        linewidth = 3.4 \cm

        \context {
            \StaffContext \remove "Time_signature_engraver"



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