Hello –

I’m looking at creating a new slur to be used as a “bowing-slur.” Essentially 
it would be a styled slur that can co-exist with the slur and phrasing slur 

Looking in the source code for the phrasing slur engraver, it looks like it 
just passes the information to the slur engraver

I’m looking through the external documentation and found the “creating an 
engraver” in scheme, but have had no luck doing the same kind of extending that 
happens in the phrasing slur (as I’m not sure of the c++ <-> scheme 

  1.  How could I recreate my new “Bowing_slur_engraver” to just pass to the 
slur engraver? (I assume I can…)
  2.  How do I style the slur before passing it to the slur engraver? I would 
assume the (tweaks (..)) function in scheme, but just want to make sure.

Thank you !


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