Le 10/06/2022 à 12:08, raphaelha...@sfr.fr a écrit :
Happy to post my first message on this mailing list. I use Lilypond regularly without being a wizard, mainly engraving for kids orchestras. In newer versions, I have trouble displaying chords in english while using \language "italiano". It was not the same in older versions like 2.18
For example this code produces the following output:

\version "2.18.2"
\language "italiano"
  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode { do  }
  \new ChordNames {
    \italianChords { do }

While a newer version:

\version "2.23.5"
\language "italiano"
  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode { do  }
  \new ChordNames {
    \italianChords { do }

It's not really an issue, right now I deal with it by typing in english if I want to display english chords. But it still sounds strange. Have I missed something?

This is a known issue. This was added as a feature, but most people are finding it more of a quirk than a feature, especially since there's no built-in way to switch back to English. See


You will find workarounds there.


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