
On 07/07/2022 08:50, Rip _Mus wrote:
Good morning to everyone,
I am preparing a large orchestral work.
In my writing style, each instrument often has two voices in its staff, for various reason (for example, each clarinet can handle two voices when playing multiphonics trills with threshold tones, or other techniques), but in some other cases instruments couple have the same notes, or both tacet.
I read that, in these cases, \partCombine is not suitable.
Are there strategies for these kind of engraving needs?

Thank you


it is not quite clear what you mean. Do you want both clarinets on one staff, or on separate staffs? Are you already using partCombine?

partCombine can handle some cases well, but often it will need manual adjustment through the commands \partCombineApart, \partCombineAutomatic etc.—you can find these easily through the command index in the Notation Reference, Appendix D, [1] along with links to documentation.

If that doesn’t help, please come back, ideally with a short example [2] of what doesn’t work and how you would like it to work.

Best, Simon

[1] http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/lilypond-command-index
[2] http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html

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