Le 13/07/2022 à 11:45, Jacques Menu a écrit :
Hello folks,

Here is the info I’ve been supplied with about this:
In MusixXML, this sign is <spiccato/> (The <spiccato/> element | MusicXML 4.0 (w3.org) <https://www.w3.org/2021/06/musicxml40/musicxml-reference/elements/spiccato/>), the same sign is named \staccatissimo in Lilypond. In MusixXML, <staccatissimo/> looks like this:  (The <staccatissimo> element | MusicXML 4.0 (w3.org) <https://www.w3.org/2021/06/musicxml40/musicxml-reference/elements/staccatissimo/>), but it seems there is no corresponding articulation in Lilypond and no glyph in the Emmentaler font.

So the question is: is there interest among the LilyPond community to add the latter glyph in some way?

The question isn't whether people at large would like to have this.
It is whether someone (one person is enough) has both the motivation
and the competence to implement it :-)

How about raising it as a feature request on the bug-lilypond
list? See


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