Unfortunately I don't think I can. I can post/send the entire thing which will drive everyone hatefully crazy that's why I just took the part that didn't do what I expected. The first measure is correct with 4 quarters in the bar the second one doesn't only 3 with the acciaccatura. I use a lot of partials in this piece (or set of pieces) and up to this point everything compiles as expected so if you have an idea of how much of this to send great otherwise I'm stuck, because it doesn't work in context of the whole.
BTW thank you for responding. And I'm happy to know that my ancient understanding of the ornament is still current.

On 2022-07-15 17:38, Knute Snortum wrote:
On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 3:34 PM jh <i...@soundand.com> wrote:

using 2.22.2 in fresco, my very old understanding of grace and
acciaccatura is that they receive no duration value in a measure.

That's correct.

following Minimal example using forget for accidentals when compiled
allows only 3 quarter notes in a 4/4 bar.  I changed the 8ths in the
acciaccatura to 16ths in case that was the problem but that's not the
<ges' ces es>4^\markup {IX}<f bes d><es aes ces><d aes bes><es f bes>
        \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes16 ges aes}} <d, f bes>4
        \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes'16 ges f}} <ces es ges>4
\acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {ges'16 f d}} <es ges bes>4\fermata\bar
        d'8 f es16 ces bes8 aes ces bes16 ges f8 es4 ~ <es,, es''>\bar

So what don't I understand?

Here's your code slightly modified so that it actually compiles:

\version "2.22.2"

\relative {
  <ges' ces es>4^\markup {IX}<f bes d><es aes ces><d aes bes><es f bes>
  \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes16 ges aes}} <d, f bes>4
  \acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {aes'16 ges f}} <ces es ges>4
\acciaccatura {\times 2/3 {ges'16 f d}} <es ges bes>4\fermata\bar "||"
  d'8 f es16 ces bes8 aes ces bes16 ges f8 es4 ~ <es,, es''>\bar "||"

I don't see any problem with this code and no errors are produced when
I compile it.  Can't you post a minimal *working* example that
demonstrates the problem?  (Working, as is "it will compile").

Knute Snortum

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