
here is a small how-to for others who try to do the same.  I had to
add footnotes for lyrics in my song book, here is how I did it:

In the .ly file:

First set encoding to TeX, so the extra tex commands will not be
counted as space:

\encoding "Tex"

To add footnotes, you need to put the lyrics in double-quotes, and put
the exact footnote number in brackets, as lilypond may reorder them in
the .tex output file.  The encoding "TeX" makes sure the marker is not
counted as space, but this means the footnotemark is not counted at
all, so I add a single space to compensate for that.  Maybe the TeX
encoding could be improved to calculate the space better.

... "please\footnotemark[1] " ...

Then in the lilypond book, add the footnote text:

\footnotetext[1]{Also: tease.}

That's it.  Have fun.


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