Am 18.07.22 um 06:39 schrieb William:
Felix, I’m curious what you mean by cropping the file. Sounds to me like you are trying to just write a small snippet of music, maybe a few measures, and not have the output flooded by whitespace all around the size of an A4 paper? This is also similar to what I was using lilypond for and there are ways to do this without any external apps.

I never used the SVG backend, but maybe the lilypond-book header works with it, too? It helps to create small snippets, I used the following settings in my LilyPond setup for ConTeXt:

% --- start of setup for single-line output files ---
#(define default-toplevel-book-handler
  print-book-with-defaults-as-systems )

#(define toplevel-book-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
  (set! output-empty-score-list #f)
  (apply print-book-with-defaults rest)))

#(define toplevel-music-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-music-for-book rest)))

#(define toplevel-score-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))

#(define toplevel-text-handler
  (lambda ( . rest)
   (apply collect-scores-for-book rest)))

#(set! output-empty-score-list #t)

% --- stop single-line setup ---


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