
 for a new piece I need to display Oboe woodwind fingering diagrams
according to the book "The Techniques of Oboe Playing" by Peter
Veale. Lilypond's standard woodwind fingerings for oboe in non graphic
mode are similar, but have some significant differences to the method
used in the book which seems to be common practise nowadays. I managed
to find out how to modify the code in "define-woodwind-fingerings.scm"
and "display-woodwind-fingerings.scm" to adhere to the way it is
displayed in the book.

Despite the very elaborate and flexible woodwind fingering interface
of lilypond it unfortunately is not possible to entirely mimick the
model by defining a custom instrument using
#'generate-oboe-family-entry, so I had to overwrite existing functions
in the interface. It would be possible to redefine the interface to
allow for these changes to be adjustable using properties given to
woodwind-fingerings, but that would have to get merged into the main
tree (I'd be willing to contribute the code in case the devs like to
add it to the code base).

Alternatively: Is there a way to load the necessary scheme code of the
functions in question by defining some \include statement for plain
scheme code files in the .ly file, ensuring they are loaded "after"
lilypond's files in /usr/share/lilypond/current/scm?


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