Hello ! I try to keep the proportion of the "dashed-stem" but I can't... If 
someone can help me.

\version "2.23.10"

%#(set-global-staff-size 30)

#(define (make-round-filled-box x1 x2 y1 y2 blot-diameter)
   (ly:make-stencil (list 'round-filled-box (- x1) x2 (- y1) y2 blot-diameter)
     (cons x1 x2)
     (cons y1 y2)))

#(define (build-pos-list len on off)
   (let ((lst '(0)))
     (define (helper)
       (let ((bottom (+ (car lst) on)))
         (if (< bottom len)
              (set! lst (cons bottom lst))
              (let ((top (+ (car lst) off)))
                (if (< top len)
                     (set! lst (cons top lst))
                    (set! lst (cons len lst)))))
             (set! lst (cons len lst)))))
     (reverse lst)))

#(define (dashed-stem on off)
   (lambda (grob)
     (let* ((blot (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'blot-diameter))
            (stencil (ly:stem::print grob))
            (X-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
            (thickness (interval-length X-ext))
            (Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y))
            (len (interval-length Y-ext))
            (new-stencil empty-stencil)
            (factors (build-pos-list len on off)))
       (define (helper args)
         (if (<= 2 (length args))
              (set! new-stencil
                      (make-round-filled-box (/ thickness -2) (/ thickness 2)
                        (car args) (cadr args)
                      (interval-start Y-ext)
              (helper (cddr args)))

       (if (or (zero? on) (zero? off))
           (helper factors)))))

dashedStems =
#(define-music-function (on off) (number? number?)
     \override Stem.stencil = #(dashed-stem on off)

\relative c'' {
  \dashedStems #0.5 #0.4

  \relative c'' { \magnifyStaff #(magstep 10)
                  \dashedStems #0.5 #0.4

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