Hey Andrew, this might not help but did you try the technique in this snippet? https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2012-03/msg00663.html

Just found this while looking around for people discussing slurs across voices previously.

(pasted from url incase website is dead)

%%%% Snippet

\version "2.15.33" % also works with 2.23.10

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \time 2/4
      \new Voice {
        \relative c'' {
          d16( c8. a16( g8.
      \new Voice {
        \relative c'' {
          g8 g') c,,8 c'8)
  \layout {
    \context {
      \remove "Slur_engraver"
      \remove "Slur_performer"
    \context {
      \consists "Slur_engraver"
      \consists "Slur_performer"

%%%% End of snippet


On 7/22/22 21:49, Andrew Bernard wrote:
I know that we can't natively make ties between notes in different voices. I know that there was a Google Summer of Code task that could not be completed.

This is such a critical feature for keyboard music. When there are hundreds of such ties in major pieces, it is just too tedious to do all the workarounds with hidden notes and voices. I'm sorry to say that I have switched to Dorico because of this significant shortcoming, after having been a Lilypond user for a decade or more.

So, my question is this. Is the codebase just painted into a corner that can't be gotten out of in this area due to architectural design decisions? Are there any plans at all to develop this functionality in the forseeable future?


William Rehwinkel


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