Hello Jean, This is a great effort.
A couple of suggestions. I suppose there are a few web pages with lists of recommended texts for Scheme, but I think it would be great if you added this one to the 'where to go from here' section:
Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days (ds26gte.github.io) <https://ds26gte.github.io/tyscheme/index.html>
Also, the link to the SICP text is only for the companion site for the book, not the text. I strongly urge anybody who is involved with Scheme to obtain this book, and keep it on the desk and read it a dozen times. A superb classic computer science text, quite unparalleled. Scheme was the standard language taught at MIT for many years. A large number of people are disappointed and dismayed that I believe they now teach Python instead. While Python is a nice language. Scheme teaches a much higher level of abstract thought, and even if you never use it, it makes you a better programmer.
And amazingly, here are Abelson and Sussman lecturing MIT 6.001 in 1986, the complete series, for employees at HP.
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE18841CABEA24090 Andrew On 12/07/2022 9:28 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Hi, Last year, after I delivered a presentation on Scheme at a French-speaking virtual meeting of LilyPond users, I was asked if I could write that down in tutorial form, which I did as https://tutoriel-scheme.readthedocs.io. Over the past few days, I've set some time apart to translate that into English. The English version can be found here: https://scheme-tutorial.readthedocs.io