As a programmer in other languages, I like to think of arguments being enclosed in some kind of brackets, like a function f(x,y(z)). That's why I alway enclose what I'm marking up within {}; what's inside are the arguments of the markup. Using your explanation then it looks like

 bes^\markup{\hspace #-3 \smaller{\with-color #blue {text}}}

That helps me understand, thanks.

On Sun, 31 Jul 2022, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Hi Aaron, thanks for that.  I thought I had tried all permutations
of the order of specifications but I missed that one.  It's hard to
guess which one is correct.

Is it?  I don't think so.  Just bear in mind whether you have used up
all arguments of a markup command.  In your case,

  \smaller           expects one argument
  \with-color #blue  expects one more argument, thus not finished yet
  \hspace #-3        no more argument is expected, thus the chain of
                     commands stops here: `\smaller \with-color
                     #blue` gets applied to `\hspace #-3`, which
                     doesn't make sense, of course
  text               gets typeset as-is, since the previous commands
                     are already applied


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