Hello Mike,

You have presented a solution here, but no context or rationale at all (unless I missed something). Would you be willing, as I asked, to present the use cases you see for this, a little about the overall concept, why it's needed, where is it going, what are the long term prospects for this, ongoing support and so on, issues with storage of data in the cloud and so on? Are you intending to develop this into a full blown permanent service, or this is an experiment in online app presentation similar to your website concept?

I am sorry to all if I seem irritating or annoying, but I so far had not heard of any prior clamour or demand for this idea. And furthermore, if it's a good solid concept with a lot of user demand I'd be willing to offer to help out with development, that's the point.

As a quick aside, if you are going to run a VM GUI on the web I think you'd be better off using a lightweight fast desktop such as XFCE.


On 8/08/2022 7:27 am, Mike Blackstock wrote:
Demo at https://static.blackstock.media/guacamole

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Password: guest

Click one of the unused demo sessions.


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