
A while back, someone was kind enough to provide me with the following code to center systems on pages

#(define-markup-list-command (center-column-list-args layout props args)
  #:properties ((baseline-skip))
  (let ((stils (interpret-markup-list layout props args))
        (line-width (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width)))
  (space-lines baseline-skip
      (lambda (arg)
          (/ (- line-width (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent arg X))) 2)

I then wrap the score block and call it with this:

\markuplist \center-column-list-args \score-lines { \theScore }

It worked great. I use it for a very specific circumstance for some of the music I engrave. Since that time, I have moved to using ANSI C paper size (11" x 17") and now the systems do not fill to the bottom of the page. The problem is, I have never gotten the hang of scripts and I don't quite know what I am looking at. Which values in the script should I update to allow the systems to vertically fill the new page size?

Many thanks in advance.

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