I looked at the Lilypond documentation and snippet library but did not find an 
answer to the question that I am asking in this message.
I am typesetting my personal performer's edition of Bach's Schmüke Dich (BWV 
654). The first 34 measures are repeated with an alternate ending. (I am using 
a two-volta repeat.)
For only the repeated first section, is there a mechanism for displaying the 
bar number for volta 1 followed by the bar number for volta 2 in parentheses? 
For example, measure 7 of the volta 1 is measure 41 of volta 2.
In this situation, I would like the bar number to appear as: 7 (41)
I am attaching a PNG image showing what I would like to do.
I am currently displaying bar numbers at the beginning of ever line except the 
If this topic is covered in the snippets or Lilypond mail archive and I missed 
it, please refer me to the appropriate section.
Thanks for any help that anyone is willing to provide.
Joe Srednicki 

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