Le 30/08/2022 à 11:59, nitra...@posteo.net a écrit :
Dear all,


2) I tried the OpenLilylib package. I wasn't familiar with that tool and
had to struggle a bit with the installation. But still, with the
export-example.ly seen in the manual, I get this error message:

|  GNU LilyPond 2.22.2
|  Traitement de « export-example.ly »
|  Analyse...
|  oll-core: library infrastructure successfully loaded.
|  Interprétation en cours de la musique...
|  init exportHumdrum: "export-example.krn"
|  init Staff 1
|  init Voice 1/1 (1)
|  init Voice 1/2 (2)
|  init Staff 2
|  init Voice 1/ (3)
|  init Voice 2/ (1)
|  init Voice 2/mel (2)/home/remy/.config/lilypond/openlilylib/lilypond-export/api.scm:278:48: In _expression_ (ly:grob-properties grob):
|  /home/remy/.config/lilypond/openlilylib/lilypond-export/api.scm:278:48: Unbound variable: ly:grob-properties

And I only get the PDF as an output. I don't know what I missed here?

This sounds like this OLL package has not been updated for LilyPond
version 2.22.

6) Last point: I made some month ago, a short presentation and introduction
to LilyPond for my colleagues in my music institution. Beyond the fact it
was quite a challenge to try and convince them of the utility to take some
time and learn that great tool, I received that question I couldn't answer
at the time: is it possible to import or export in XML? I haven't have a
use for that kind of feature until now, and I don't know how the commercial
softwares handle that, but still, wouldn't that be a great argument to
convince the people to go for it? Final thought, I don't know how Urs did
manage to convince publishers about LilyPond and what responses he got (I
would be curious though), but I am pretty sure that kind of limitation in
importing/exporting in XML would be nowdays a dealbreaker for publishing
companies, don't you agree?

A MusicXML export integrated into LilyPond has been discussed repeatedly,
and everybody agrees that it is desirable, but it has not been implemented
so far because, well, it's quite easier said than done. In a free (libre)
/ open source project, the only way to be sure something will get done
is to do it yourself.


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