Hello Greg,

I will not give a very detailed answer because I do not have time to spend on 
so many 
points, but I hope to give you the right direction:

@1) Checkout tags in lilypond. You can tag line breaks like \tag #'part \break

@2) Checkout the documentation about changing the staff size:

@3) Checkout this part of the documentation:

Lilypond uses special markups for title, headers and footers. The default 
can be found in the installation directory of Lilypond in ly/titling-init.ly. 
You can redefine 
these things in a paper block to create any design of your choice.

@4) See the answer for 3)


Am Montag, 12. September 2022, 19:25:39 CEST schrieb Greg Lindstrom:
> I have created my first full score for brass band and euphonium solo using
> Lilypond (and Frescobaldi). The score looks wonderful; I've had it bound at
> a local print shop and it looks downright professional. There are a number
> of things to correct and I've created an issue for each and will correct
> them and reengrave. Being a professional computer programmer, I went to the
> trouble of checking everything into a code repository (github) to ensure I
> can track all my changes and not lose all this work if my computer decides
> to die.
> I've ordered the Lilypond manual from Lulu and plan to read through it to
> learn more about Lilypond; I do much better with printed media rather than
> electronic. but have questions:
>    1. I'd like to place line and page breaks in the individual parts. Being
>    a player, I appreciate when consideration is taken as to where page
> breaks fall. I have individual files for each part with the "notes" in a
> separate file and the score bringing everything together. Is it possible to
> place breaks in the part so it does not affect the score?
>    2. The score looks best on 11" x 17" paper but the first print shop
>    I contacted could not spiral bind anything that large (I found another
> shop which could do it and I'm glad I did). I set the paper size in the
> score to 8.5" x 11" and while things can fit, it is extremely cramped. Is
> there a setting to reduce the size of everything (staves, notes, dynamics,
> etc.) as I reduce the paper size?
>    3. On the individual part, I'd like to place the instrument name in the
>    upper left corner of the page. Currently, it is on the first staff.
>    4. Can I place a header on the second and following pages which would
>    show the title and page number of the piece in a smaller font than the
>    first page?
> Perhaps all of this is in the manual which will be arriving in the next few
> days. But any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks for your help. I hope to start writing code snippets and answering
> questions as I gain more experience.
> ---greg

[1] http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/setting-the-staff-size

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