Le 06/09/2022 à 15:17, Martin Tarenskeen a écrit :
Thanks for the update!
I tried OOoLilyPond v1.1.6 beta on Fedora 36 with Libre Office and the new Cairo backend seems to work nicely with it. Note for other Fedora users: The lilypond-2.23.12 that is currently packaged in the Fedora repository has been compiled /without/ the cairo backend and will not be capable to use this new functionality. It was easy to compile my own RPM package version using the Fedora specfile. I just needed to add --enable-cairo-backend to the configure options. Now I can enjoy SVG support with the Cairo backend in OOoLilyPond.

I opened a feature request on Fedora upstream for enabling Cairo, and the maintainer said he'd do it:


Note that for the time being, there's no need to compile LilyPond yourself to get Cairo support, just download the binaries from lilypond.org, which do have it.


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